
#62 Little Darlings Going Solo

#62   Little Darlings Going Solo

I just put together a video - on helping your darling and you get to where you can ride alone.

Going solo does not have to be done in one session or in a day.

Just, when you have had enough, or your time is short,or whatever, END ON A GOOD NOTE where he is at least as far as he has gone before or a tad farther.  Let him rest there a few seconds.

At that point, you can ALWAYS call it quits til the next time.

And the next time, to get him to where he had left off previously, will take a bit less time.

Just keep working it - in no time, really and truly, you'll both be successful, safe and happy.

  You are really going to love riding alone.

This is just so worth it.

Adventure Horse Riding in NYS            Smilla13@gmail.com  (Mary Dixon)         www.RideNYS.com

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