
Tip: Horses & Rocket Science

Horse riding is not rocket science.  In its most elemental form, horse riding is simply keeping the horse between you and the ground.  If you can stay on the horse, you're a rider.  Period.  Even if you're facing backwards - it makes no nevermind.  So, unless you are into a certain skill, ie, showing, team-roping, or whatever, don't make it more difficult than it is.  Because it's not.  All you have to do is stay on the horse  - your "form" may stink and you may be told often than you just aren't a rider because you lack finesse - but if you are on the horse and having fun and not crashing, not too worry.
You're a rider and be proud of it.

Adventure Horse Riding in NYS       RideNYS.com
My husband Rich and Woody

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