
Discouragement and Hurt Feelings from Horses

I used to tell folks all the time not to take incidents, accidents, etc., personally.  Then a few years ago after a crash I was so emotionally hurt that my horse would do that to me that I almost just sold him.  And, I pretty much ignored him for almost 6 months.

Well, my girlfriend is now in the same situation.  Her horse laid down yesterday, in the deep snow, twice.  When she went to mount him again in all the bulky winter gear, he took off.  She had to trudge through the snow at night, thank heavens there was a moon out there, and she was scared and exhausted.  We rounded up a very scared horse who kept running away and ponied him back to the ranch.  

First words out of her mouth were "he going to auction !".  When I inquired how she was doing this morning, she texted back and told both my other girlfriend and me that she was seriously thinking of giving up riding.

Hopefully, after a few days, she will settle down and rethink the situaton.  Horses are just fantastic at teaching humility and discouragement and she loves her horses dearly.

My girlfriend and the Outlaw ~  in better weather !  

Adventure Horse Riding in NYS            Smilla13@gmail.com  (Mary Dixon)         www.RideNYS.com

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